Aardvark Alley

Lutheran Aardvark

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26 May 2006
  Oh! The Wormwood and the Gall
Screwtape Utilizes Dan Brown's Blasphemy

The pretenders were pretty scarce. Until recently, I don't think I've read else inspired by The Screwtape Letters who stayed to the spirit of C. S. Lewis, except, perhaps Peter Kreeft with his Snakebite Letters. (Actually, my favorite Kreeft books are The Unaborted Socrates and Between Heaven and Hell.)

Eric MetaxasAh, but now I've discovered Eric Metaxas and his 21st century Screwtape still dishing the dirt to nephew Wormwood. This time, it's Screwtape on the DaVinci Code. The senior devil tells his junior that since his "former colleague, the venerable Gallstone" helped Dan Brown pen such a book that purports to tell fiction as fact, it's time to use the Code to start harvesting a bumper crop of the damned.

After you read the essay, you might want to re-read the original Screwtape Letters. Don't have a copy? Follow the link below and order one. I'm also linking to the Kreeft books, in case Socratic arguing against abortion or discussions among three men who died on the same day (JFK, Lewis, and Aldous Huxley) sounds interesting.

The Screwtape Letters
The Screwtape Letters

C. S. Lewis Signature Classics Boxed Set
C. S. Lewis Boxed Set (Screwtape, Mere Christianity, Great Divorce, et al.)

Between Heaven and Hell
Between Heaven and Hell

The Unaborted Socrates: A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion
The Unaborted Socrates: A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion

Snakebite Letters: Devilishly Devious Secrets for Subverting Society as Taught in Tempter's Training School
Snakebite Letters: Devilishly Devious Secrets for Subverting Society as Taught in Tempter's Training School

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I have heard a lot about C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters but have never read them. We will have to look into all these resources and possibly use them for school!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for listing me on your blogs! That is very kind of you! I have been slow about reading everybody's blogs but will hopefully be able to do so more with school being out now! (We still will do some "learning" this summer though! We can't shut off those brains entirely, can we?) Blessings to you!
My dad lent me his copy when I was younger. While in college, I bought a cheap paperback compendium (the contents of which, I believe, are in the Aardvark's suggested collection). I put a more permanent cover on it while working in the seminary library in Saint Louis and continue to get it out and re-read it annually.

Along with Screwtape and Narnia, I've enjoyed most else Lewis wrote, even if some of his theological points vary with confessional Lutheran teaching (e.g., Great Divorce suggests the possibility of Purgatory). Some sci-fi readers might also enjoy his space trilogy.
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