Aardvark Alley

Lutheran Aardvark

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08 December 2005
  There's Gold in Them There Aardvarks

Smaall AardieI've made my list and checked it twice. Then, just as I was preparing to set flaming bags of Aardies on the front porches of select bloggers, ring their doorbells, and run away, one of the honorees crashed his blog, so I waited until he had something up and running again. Now, without further ado (or adieu), I present the current incarnation of the Aardvark Award for Raillery, Doctrine, or Intellect in Exposition. Winners are invited to copy either the laarge or the smaall Aardie to their own blogs or servers, link back to the Alley, and display them with true humility.

‡ Paul McCain of Cyberbrethren (he of the crashed blog) receives first acknowledgment. His post, Is Christian Art Idolatry? Thoughts on the Error of Calvinism's Iconoclasm triggered comments, complementary and competing blog posts, and an ongoing discussion of Christology and Biblical understanding. If you haven't yet read the original, start with it and move up the old blog. Then visit his new site and continue with Where's Jesus? The Question That Comes to My Mind When Reflecting on Calvinism and any subsequent posts on the subject.

‡ Chaz Lehman of Drowning Myself Whenever I Can was one of the earliest Lutheran bloggers to join the McCain vs. the Calvinists fracas. While others likewise produced commendable posts, we'll honor him for a balanced presentation of personal thought combined with the wisdom of Luther, John of Damascus, and Pastor Bill Weedon in this post.

Because Sherrah Wrote About Giving, the disgruntled world citizen went "Full Throttle" into a thoughtful stewardship post. No, he didn't get the Aardie because he whined. He got it because I appreciate what he wrote. Of course, the heartfelt request penned upon the reverse of a C-note didn't hurt.

Laarge Aardie‡ I'm always on the lookout for thoughtful writing on life issues. Diana (Ruach) didn't disappoint me. If "all politics is local," then perhaps even more so, "all life debate is personal." She certainly opened a window into her own heart with Reproductive Choice: The Big Lie. Already a favorite blogger, my respect for Diana as a person grew immensely as I completed this recollection.

‡ "England truly has fallen," laments the CaribPundit. Read No Christians, Please to discover why she says so. You'll also discover someone with such a gift of pithiness that she makes Ernest Hemingway look windy by comparison.

‡ Religion, culture, A. A. Milne, and a bit of humor are part of Why the Jews Don'’t Try to Ban Piglet. CPA of Three Hierarchies examines Judaism and Mohammedanism under the light of the Noahide Laws.

‡ At Little Loci, Ryan Fouts examines LCMS polity, especially problems arising from not having some form of bishop orsuperintendentt clergy, in Lutheranism and Ecclesiastical Supervision.

‡ Closing out festivities, we have one of the Ol' Aardvark's favorite bloggers, Othniel of Cross Theology. Don't think that the first sentence of File and Rank didn't grab my attention: "We ordained a woman in an LCMS congregation today."

Again, winners are invited to grab a cyberstatuette and link back to the Alley.
I guess I need to get back at blogging so I can get me one of them thar statuette thingys...
Dude, I want one. Do I have to be a Lutheran to get one? Pastor Chryst seems to think I'm a closet one, does that count?
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