Aardvark Alley

Lutheran Aardvark

Confessional Lutheran theology, hagiography, philosophy, music, culture, sports, education, and whatever else is on the fevered mind of Orycteropus Afer

04 January 2007
  Unless He Changes Quickly ...

... I shall quickly drop ProtoEvangel from the BBOV, since, evidently, he has dropped Lutheran from his beliefs.

Who are these 21st Century lightning rod salesman who've slipped amongst the Evangelicals and sold such a large batch of faulty compasses, all pointing due east?

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He's already been removed from the Lutheran Blog Directory at his own request...
Speaking of the blogroll, This Pastor Wife's blog now seems to be open to invited readers only...
Barb, I sent her an email, asking if the change is temporary or permanent and will work the blogroll accordingly. Thanks for the tip.
If he'd ever been to my grandparent's orthodox church, he'd think differently! Ha!

I do understand HOW this happened, though. Evangelicalism is to blame for many sheep straying. Not that I consider orthodoxy as straying, of course, but in the end they will end up as burdened by law (and tradition) and the evangelicals. One thing I agree with him on the desire to worship with the true and ancient church. I believe that the is what Luther reformed and I'm in it now.
correction: in the end they will end up as burdened by law (and tradition) as the evangelicals.
one more thought...

Who's the salesman? It's the same "guy" as the one who told them that the church down the road with the minimalist (or missing) crosses, swaying and clapping worshipers in a trance-like state of "love" for Jesus, law-filled sermons with little news of God's grace and others' perfect(looking) children that told them - "Hey, this is really God's church." . It's the same salesman who tells them that certain cities or countries are God's places and that he favors them more. It's also that same salesman who then tells you that everyone who does not go to your church (or loose-knit body of churches just like yours) is not the true church. It's the same salesman who told me that "Lutherans are not saved" for many years. It's the same salesman who told me that my own actions will save me.

In a different direction, I believe that many Lutherans are not very fully aware of what is being taught in the popular evangelical churches of their communities. People are being misled at a rapid rate. I think that part of the message of the serpent in the garden is the same message presented to evangelicals: if you do this, you can become like God.

Please understand, I don't question whether catholics or orthodox are Christians, I question the underlying (and possible unknown) motives of evangelicals who are drawn to the concept of the true and ancient church. I think it is the same horse, but a different color.
My blog is back up and running.
I have examined one fascination of some Lutherans to Romanism (me being a former RC myself), but I have not examined their fascination to Orthodoxy. It appears there is always the quest to belong to the one true Church?!? Is there something wrong to Luther's suggestion that one finds the church where the Gospel is preached and the Sacrament administered? From my study of Scripture the Gospel is corruptible - a little church history tells you that.

This Pastor's Wife: "My blog is back up and running."

The Aardvark: "Great!"
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